Practical Transistor Theory (1968) -- Contents and Intro


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Above: The unit shown on the cover (above) is a pellet microcircuit supplied by P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc. Circuit elements consist of small pellets 1/10 inch in diameter by 1/16 inch thick. The pellets are inserted into a pre-punched phenolic board and soldered to the printed circuit. The two units in the center are transistors.


  1. BASIC SEMICONDUCTOR ACTION AND MATERIAL---Conductors, Semiconductors, and Insulators-Germanium and Silicon-N-Type Semiconductor-P-Type Semiconductor-Junctions-Active, Passive, Linear, and Nonlinear
  2. PASSIVE SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES---Thermistors-Diodes-Thermoelectric Cooling
  3. TRANSISTORS---Construction-Transistor Amplifier-Amplifier Configurations-Oscillator Circuits-Frequency Converters-Audio Output Stages Practical Radio Receiver-Audio Amplifier-Regulated Power Supply-Heat Sinks
  4. OTHER ACTIVE LINEAR SEMICONDUCTORS---Field-Effect Transistors-Tunnel Diodes-Hall Effect-Photo transistors
  5. TRANSISTORS IN NONLINEAR CIRCUITS---Transistor Switches-Transistor Gates-Transistor Multivibrators Counters-Logic
  6. SPECIAL SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES---Unijunction Transistor-Four-Layer Devices-Phototransistor Used as a Switch-Tunnel Diode Used as a Switch


The applications for electronics are expanding at an unprecedented rate. Pacing this explosive growth is the phenomenal development of transistor and semiconductor devices. One cannot be exposed to the field of modern electronics, even as a nontechnical participant, without being confronted with transistors and semiconductors.

This guide is unique in that it attempts to cover a highly technical subject at a level which can be understood by both nontechnical persons and beginners in electronics, yet in a manner which will hold the interest of engineers and technicians.

The secret to understanding semiconductor devices is contained in the distinctions between active and passive, and linear and nonlinear types. The first section clearly makes these distinctions and sets the stage for discussion of the individual devices. This division is so natural that not only do difficult topics become easy to understand, but the flow of ideas moves smoothly from the discussion of linear amplifiers and radio circuits to nonlinear switching circuits and digital computer logic. This approach enables the presentation of topics not normally treated at this level or in a book of this size.

The section on basic semiconductor theory will give the layman a clear insight into the operation of all semiconductors, even the most complicated. The emphasis is on characteristics, and simple physics is introduced only to clarify certain points.

A detailed description of basic transistor amplifiers leads into discussion of practical radio and hi-fl circuits. Section 5 then deals with switching transistors, multivibrators, flip-flops, and gates. It also includes a discussion of digital computer logic design. As the various devices are introduced, their fundamental function, construction, and relationship to the others in the semiconductor family are explained.

A number of applications are suggested, and several are illustrated and explained.

The section on integrated circuits provides information that will be useful and interesting to beginners, technicians, and engineers alike.

It includes the latest information on the fundamentals of processing methods and the application of integrated circuits.

Each section in this guide has been designed to stand alone; how ever, each complements the other. It is hoped that after reading this guide you will know why semiconductors belong to the first family in the fastest growing industry in the world and that you will have made a lasting acquaintance with each of its members.


Also see:

Transistor Circuits (1964)

Using Scopes in Transistor Circuits (1968)

Transistor Circuit Manual (1961)

Using Scopes in Transistor Circuits (1968)


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