Appendix II. Classified Sources for Metallic Rectifiers [Metallic Rectifiers (1957)]


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To the potential electrical component buyer, designer, and professional engineer there are available a number of directories of sources for electrical merchandise. These directories, of course, contain sources for metallic rectifiers.

However, the listings are generally mixed--no indication as to whether the source is for copper-oxide, selenium, or magnesium-copper sulfide rectifier. Worse yet, the listings generally contain references which are not primary sources for rectifiers but those who either purchase their rectifiers from primary sources and then manufacture rectifier power supplies or allied devices, and those who purchase the plates and assemble rectifiers to order.

In the listings to follow every effort has been made to include only primary sources for metallic rectifiers. This type of information puts the potential customer in direct contact with the source and avoids delays and extra charges when special rectifiers are required.

The first listing contains the names and addresses of these primary sources of metallic rectifier manufacturers.

The second listing gives the names of the manufacturers of copper-oxide rectifiers; the third listing gives the names of the manufacturers of the magnesium-copper sulfide rectifiers.

The fourth listing gives the names of the manufacturers of the selenium type rectifiers.

The remaining listings indicate where specialized metallic rectifiers may be obtained. These specialized listings cover instrument rectifiers, valve rectifiers, high voltage rectifiers, rectifiers for radio and television receivers, and high frequency rectifiers.

The writer has checked these listings very carefully and sincerely hopes that no errors or omissions are present but in a field which is undergoing change and rapid growth only a periodic revision can keep the listings up-to-date.

Directory of Metallic Rectifier Manufacturers

Bradley Labs, Inc.

170 G Columbus Ave.

New Haven 11, Conn.

Conant Labs 6500 0 Street Linclon 5, Neb.

Fansteel Metallurgical Corp.

2220 Sheridan Rd.

North Chicago, Ill.

Federal Telephone and Radio Corp.

88 Kingsland Rd.

Clifton, N. J. General Electric Co.

Apparatus Sales Division 1 River Road Schenectady, N. Y. International Rectifier Corp.

1521 E. Grand Ave.

El Segundo, Calif.

International Resistance Co.

401 N. Broad Street Philadelphia 8, Pa.

Mallory & Co., Inc., P. R. 3029 E. Washington Street Indianapolis 6, Ind.

Radio Receptor Co.

251 West 19th Street New York, N.Y. Sarkes Tarzian, Inc.

415 N. College Ave.

Bloomington, Ind.

Syntron Co.

243 Lexington Homer City, Pa.

Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.

1740 Broadway New York, N.Y. Vickers, Inc.

1815 Locust Street St. Louis 3, Mo.

Westinghouse Electric Corp.

Pittsburg 30, Pa.

Manufacturers of Copper-Oxide Rectifiers Bradley Labs, Inc.

Conant Labs General Electric Co.

Westinghouse Electric Corp.

Manufacturers of Magnesium-Copper Sulfide Rectifiers P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc.

Manufacturers of Selenium Rectifiers Bradley Labs, Inc.

Fansteel Metallurgical Corp.

Federal Telephone and Radio Corp.

General Electric Co.

International Rectifier Corp.

International Resistance Co.

Mallory & Co., Inc.

Radio Receptor Co.

Sarkes Tarzian, Inc.

Syntron Co.

Sylvania Electric Products,Inc.

Vickers, Inc.

Westinghouse Electric Corp.

Manufacturers of Radio and Television Type Selenium Rectifiers Bradley Labs1 Inc.

Federal Telephone and Radio Corp.

General Electric Co.

International Rectifier Corp.

Mallory & Co., Inc.

Radio Receptor Co.

Sarkes Tarzian,Inc.

Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.

Manufacturers of Instrument Rectifiers of the Metallic Type Bradley Labs, Inc.

Conant Labs.

Manufacturers of Valve-Type Rectifiers (Selenium and Copper-Oxide)

Bradley Labs, Inc.

Conant Labs.

Fansteel Metallurgical Corp.

Federal Telephone and Radio Corp.

General Electric Co.

International Rectifier Corp.

International Resistance Co.

Manufacturers of High-Voltage Metallic Rectifiers (Selenium)

Bradley Labs, Inc.

Fansteel Metallurgical Corp.

Federal Telephone and Radio Corp.

General Electric Co.

International Rectifier Corp.

Radio Receptor Co.

Sarkes Tarzian, Inc.

Manufacturers of High-Frequency Metallic Rectifiers Bradley Labs, Inc.

Conant Labs.

International Resistance Company.

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