This voltmeter design gives you the opportunity to add a useful too to
your workbench.
The True RMS Audio AC Volt meter is a portable unit based on the Analog Devices
AD636JH true RMS to DC converter and on the ICL7106 A/D converter and LCD
driver. It measures the true RMS value of an audio signal up to a level of
100V RMS in four scales: x1mV RMS, x10mV RMS, x100mV RMS, and x1000mV RMS.
A rotary switch in the front of the meter lets you display either volts or
dBs. For the dB measurement, the 0dB level is set at 774.6mV RMS (0dBm = 1mW
at 600 ohm).
The voltmeter is powered by a 9V battery.
Photo 1 shows the complete meter.

PHOTO 1: complete meter.
The Analog Devices AD636JH, on which the voltmeter is based, is a low- power
monolithic IC that performs true RMS to DC conversion on low-level signals
from 0mV to 200mV RMS. The AD636 includes an auxiliary dB output derived from
an internal circuit point that represents the logarithm of the R1's output.
An externally supplied cur rent sets the 0dB reference level and corresponds
to an input level of 774.6mV RMS. According to the manufacturer, the frequency
response ranges from 1.2MHz at 0dBm to greater than 10kHz at -50dBm.
The AD636 computes the true root- mean-square of a complex AC (or AC plus
DC) input signal and gives an equivalent DC output level. The true RMS value
of a waveform is a more useful quantity than the average rectified value because
it measures the power in the signal.
An averaging capacitor is the only external component required to perform
measurements to the filly specified accuracy. Its value optimizes the trade-off
between low-frequency accuracy, ripple, and settling time.
The 200mV full-scale range of the AD636 is compatible with many popular display-oriented
ADCs. Also, the low-power supply current requirement — typically 800uA — permits
use in battery-powered hand-held instruments.

FIGURE 1: The electronic diagram of the voltmeter.
The Intersil ICL7106 is a low-power, 3½ digit A/D converter with seven segment
decoders, display drivers, a reference voltage, and a clock. The ICL7106 is
de signed to interface with a liquid crystal display (LCD), and for this reason
includes a multiplexed back-plane drive. It also features auto zero to less
than 10uV, zero drift of less than 1uV/C, input bias current of 10pA (maximum),
and rollover error of less than one count.
The display that I used for the meter is a typical 3½ digit LCD with ½” character
height. I don’t have the exact part number of the LCD that I used because
I had it in my stock for a long time, but I believe that the LCD available
from Digi-Key with the part number 67-1789-ND is suitable.

The voltmeter is based on the block diagram of Figure 17 (Portable, High-Z
Input, RMS DPM and dB Meter Circuit) of the Analog Devices AD636 d2tasheet.
The complete electronic diagram of the voltmeter is shown in Fig. 1.
A brief description of the operation of the meter is as follows:
The 1M-ohm input attenuator allows full-scale range for signals up to a maximum
of 100V RMS in four positions: x1mV RMS, x10mV RMS, x100mV RMS, and x1000mV
RMS. After the attenuator, the signal is coupled through a 47nF capacitor
and a 47 k-Ohm protection resistor to the AD636 buffer amplifier, which is
connected in an AC bootstrapped configuration to minimize the loading of the
input attenuator by increasing the input impedance of the buffer.
Then the buffer amplifier drives the 6.7k-Ohm input impedance of the AD636.
The LINEAR or the dB outputs of the AD636 are driven through the S2 switch
to the input of the ICL7106. The COM terminal of the ICL7106 provides the
false ground required by the AD636 for single-supply operation.
An AD589 1.2V reference diode is used to provide a stable 100mV reference
for the ADC in the linear RMS mode by using the trimmer R17 (500 ohm); in
the dB mode, the trimmer R18 (100k) is used to set the 0dB indication. A diode
1N4148 is inserted in series to provide correction for the temperature coefficient
of the dB scale factor. The trimmer R19 (10k) is used to adjust the scale
factor of the dB scale.
The construction of the voltmeter is complicated, so I designed a PCB using
the demo version of the Eagle Layout editor. You can download this demo version
of the program free of charge from the Cadsoft website ( The
demo version is fully operational, except for a limitation on the maximum
dimensions of the PCB, which was not a problem for this project.
The PCB is shown in Fig. 2, while the placement of the components on the
PCB is shown in Fig. 3 and Photo 2. The two rotary switches (S1 and S2) are
placed directly on the PCB to facilitate the construction of the meter. The
ICL7106, the resistor R22, the capacitor C1, and the jumper J7 are placed
below the LCD. The LCD is not soldered directly to the PCB; two 20-pin sockets
are used. This also permits some extra space between the ICL7106 and the LCD.
For the correct operation of the LCD, use two cables to connect pin 2 of
the LCD with pin 20 of the ICL7106 and pin 3 of the LCD with pin 19 of the
ICL7106 as shown in Photo 3. Figure 4 shows the front plate that I used for
the meter. I printed this diagram to a self-adhesive transparent paper, which
I then put on the front face of the metallic box of the meter. This gave a
very nice look for the meter as shown in Photo 1. I used the same diagram
as a guide for the opening of the two holes for the rotary switches and the
hole for the LCD.
For the calibration of the voltmeter, I used a Hewlett-Packard HP 3478A multimeter.
This digital multimeter offers 3½ to 5½ digit resolution for measuring DC
volts, true RMS AC volts up to 300kHz, two-wire and four-wire ohms, and DC
and true RMS AC current. The input impedance of the HP3478A is 1M-ohm shunted
by a capacitance less than 60pF. The accuracy of the HP3478A multimeter for
the measurement of the AC voltage as given by the manufacturer is shown in
Table 1.
I performed the calibration of the voltmeter as follows: I connected a sine-wave
generator at the input of the RMS voltmeter with the frequency set at 1kHz
and the level at 180mV RMS. Then I adjusted the trimmer R17 (500 ohm) until
the voltmeter display was exactly the same as the HP3478A multimeter display.
For the calibration in the dB range, I set the level of the generator at
774.6mV RMS and adjusted the trimmer R18 (look) until the meter indicated
exactly 0.0dB. Then I reduced the level of the generator to 7.74mV RMS and
adjusted the trimmer R19 (10k) until the display indicated -40.0dB. The total
battery current required for the operation of the voltmeter is about 2.8mA.
After the calibration of the meter, I per-formed some measurements in order
to compare the indications of the meter against the HP 3478 multimeter. The
accuracy of the HP multimeter as given in its operating manual is shown in
Table 1. The accuracy is specified only for a sine-wave input with a level
greater than 10% of the frill scale.
For the accuracy measurements, I used sine-wave and square-wave inputs in
the range from 5mV RMS up to about 25V RMS. This was the maximum level that
I could have from the power amplifier I used for the tests.
Note that when the meter is set in the dB range, the LCD display should always
be kept less than 0dB; otherwise, the accuracy of the meter is not good.
When the indication goes above 0dB, the higher voltage range should be used.
I connected both voltmeters to the same signal and checked the voltmeter
displays. The results are shown in Table 2 for the sine-wave and in Table
3 for the square-wave.
The first column gives the results of the HP multimeter, and the second column
shows the AC voltmeter results.

PHOTO 3: The additional connections on the PCB of the voltmeter (see text).

FIGURE 4: The front face of the voltmeter.

TABLE 1: Accuracy of HP multimeter.

TABLE 2: Sine-wave accuracy measurements.
TABLE 3: Square-wave accuracy measurements.
In the third column, the relative error between the two displays is computed.
The fourth column shows the results of the voltmeter when it is set in the
dB scale with the same signal as before. In the fifth column I computed in
dB the indication of the HP3478 in reference to 774.6mV RMS. The sixth column
shows the difference between the fifth and the fourth column.
By examining the results for the volt age range of the meter, you can see
that for signals in the frequency range from 20Hz to 10kHz the differences
are less than 2%, except in the measurement at a level of 5mV RMS at 1kHz,
which is 3%. With the voltmeter set in the dB scale, the differences are very
small and below ±0.3dB.
When the frequency is set to 20kHz, the differences are also below 2%, except
at the level of 25V, where the difference is about 4%. When the measurements
are performed in the dB scale, the results are good except at the 5mV RMS
This is a very useful piece of test equipment. It measures the true RMS value
of an audio signal both in volts and dBs with very good ac curacy. It is also
portable and very re liable. If you don’t have such equipment in your lab,
this is a good opportunity to build one.
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