ETI Circuit Techniques--volume one -- Article Index and Intro

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  1. How to use op-amps
  2. The 741 cookbook
  3. Using the 3080 transconductance op-amp
  4. Active filter cookbook
  5. 555 timer applications
  6. CMOS - a practical guide, part 1
  7. CMOS - a practical guide, part 2
  8. CMOS - a practical guide, part 3
  9. CMOS - a practical guide, part 4
  10. CMOS - a practical guide, part 5
  11. CMOS - a practical guide, part 6
  12. CMOS - the safety precautions
  13. VFETs for everyone 1
  14. VFETs for everyone 2
  15. Power MOSFETs - the technology, the techniques
  16. Designing potcore inductors
  17. Schmitt triggers - using the 4093
  18. Voltage regulators -- circuits and techniques
  19. Designing with diodes
  20. A little light on LEDs
  21. Zener diodes -- a practical guide
  22. Modern crystal oscillators

The how, what, which, where, why and how much anthology of electronic components, circuits and techniques.

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Over 20 of our top-popularity projects from recent years' ETIs plus several projects from a few years back that have enjoyed renewed interest. All assembled in one big volume - there's something to suit every electronics enthusiast's interest, from the ETI-250 Simple House Alarm to the ETI-1500 Discriminating Metal Detector, from the ETI-325 Auto-probe to the ETI-562 Geiger Counter, from the ETI-724 Microwave Oven Leak Detector to the ETI-565 Laser. TWENTY projects, in all - PLUS: 'An Introduction to Lasers', 'pH - the Acid Test' and 'Experimenting With Ultrasonics'. Top Projects Vol. 7 also contains a Shop-around guide on where to obtain pc boards, front panels, kits and components for the projects between its covers.

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Also see:

50 CMOS I.C. Projects


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Updated: Tuesday, 2023-09-26 15:51 PST